Monday, September 28, 2009

TriQuarterly Round-Up

People are still settling into the hard news that TriQuarterly as we know it is disappearing. I’m still waiting for some sort of white knight to ride in (guess I read too many fairy tales as a kid). To keep you up to speed:

Here’s my post that includes the email from one of the editors.

Here’s the official Northwestern University press release about the situation.

Here’s another take from Howard Junker, editor of the highly-respected journal ZYZZYVA, who notes that “as far as I can tell, TriQ is the first major litmag to be e-ed. It certainly won't be the last.”

And poets C. Dale Young (scroll down) and Victoria Chang offer personal, heartfelt recollections of what made TriQuarterly so special.

UPDATE: C. Dale Young offers more links at Avoiding the Muse:

(Discolosure: I graduated from Northwestern and have had two stories published in TriQuarterly.)