Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Authors to Speak at WNBA Event

Here’s an event that looks interesting, hosted by the Washington Chapter of the Women’s National Book Association (WNBA):

What's Eating You?

When: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Where: The Georgetown Library, 3260 R Street NW, Washington, DC
Who: All WNBA Members and Friends
Cost: FREE and open to the public!

The Washington D.C. chapter of WNBA will be sponsoring a panel discussion by local nationally renown authors on cooking and eating for good health on February 24, 2011 at Georgetown Library, 3260 R Street N.W. Washington D.C. from 6:30-8:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public. For more information or to RSVP contact Trudy Loo at wnbainfoDC@gmail.com.

The panel will be moderated by, Washington Post Deputy Food Editor, Bonnie Benwick. She will be discussing with leading cookbook authors; Teri Cochrane, Wenonah Hauter, Sheilah Kaufman and Louisa Peat O'Neil ways in which food and how we consume it impact on health and well being.

Teri Cochrane is the owner and founder of Healing Paths, an integrative nutrition and wellness counseling practice, based in suburban Washington, D.C. She has helped clients from all over the country overcome a variety of chronic conditions including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, food allergies, gastrointestinal problems, as well as achieve their weight management goals through her unique approach. She received her B.S. from the University of Florida. She is a graduate of American Health Science University, and the Upledger Institute. She is a Certified Nutritionist, Family Herbalist and Certified Coach Practitioner. She is member of the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP), American Herbalist Guild, and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. In addition to her private practice, she teaches and lectures on a variety of topics, including introducing nutrition to children. She loves the outdoors; is an avid runner and hiker; and practices Yoga.

Wenonah Hauter is the Executive Director of Food & Water Watch. She has worked extensively on energy, food, water and environmental issues at the national, state and local level. Experienced in developing policy positions and legislative strategies, she is also a skilled and accomplished organizer, having lobbied and developed grassroots field strategy and action plans. From 1997 to 2005 she served as Direcotr of Public Citizen, Energy, and Environment Program which focused on water, food, and energy policy from 1996 to 1997. Hauter was environmental policy director for Citizen Action, where she worked with the organization's 30 state-based groups. From 1989 to 1995 she was at the Union of Concerned Scientists where as a senior organizer, she coordinated broad-based, grassroots sustainable energy campaigns in several states. She has an M.S. in Applied Anthropology from the University of Maryland.

Sheilah Kaufman has earned a name for herself as a "chef extraordinaire" with her uniquely refreshing, creative yet practical approach that demystifies gourmet cooking." For the past 40 years, under the banner of "Fearless Fussless," She has been crisscrossing the country demystifying cooking and teaching "fearless fussless, easy ways to elegant cooking" to all ages. Her recipes are user friendly and simple, unique, and loaded with hints and tips. As a traveling cooking teacher, Kaufman teaches classes at Cooks Warehouse; Sur La Table; Kitchen Affairs; Publix; for organizations such as Hadassah, Federation, Brandeis Women, THIS, and Welcome to Washington. She has done programs for The Smithsonian, which included Sephardic Israeli Cuisine and several programs on Turkish Cuisine for Epcot's Food and Wine Festival. In addition, Kaufman is a food editor, freelance food writer and culinary lecturer. She is an active member of Les Dames d'Escoffier and a ADD Founding member of IACP. The author of 26 cookbooks Kaufman is also often a guest on TV and radio shows.

Louisa Peat O'Neil, a former Washington Post writer, is the author of Travel Writing: See the World-Sell the Story and other books. O'Neil's short fiction, travel and culinary journalism and essays appear in numerous print and online publications. Pyrénées Pilgrimage, about her solo walk across France, was released in June 2010 and is available online in print and Kindle versions through Amazon.com. An award winning writing instructor, O'Neil has led writing workshops at several Washington, DC institutions, including Georgetown, GWU, NOVA and the USDA Graduate School. She has taught food writing workshops for L'Academie de Cuisine and the Smithsonian Resident Associates, as well as at UCLA. She has been an adjunct professor in UCLA's journalism program since 1997, teaching travel and food writing and nature writing. Her UCLA online travel-writing course starts April 7, 2011. O'Neil works in the Office of eDiplomacy at the U.S. Department of State as an advisor for Web 2.0 and new media programs. She was educated at Georgetown, the University of Toronto, Antioch University School of Law, National Defense University and the Corcoran College of Art. Her blogs include: NoWhiteFood.wordpress.com, PyreneesPilgrimage.wordpress.com, PeatONeil.wordpress.com.