Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Link Corral: C.M. Mayo on Decluttering Your Writing; Jesscia Anya Blau on Fear and Loathing; Fully Funded CNF Fellowships to VCCA

C.M. Mayo offers some great insight into the balance between too much and too little when it comes to descriptive writing (and more):

“So, how to distinguish needed detail from clutter?

“I like to use the analogy of interior decorating. Let's assume the purpose of the living room is to host a tea party. So you decorate it in order to make your guest feel welcome, to make her feel both charmed and comfortable to come in, sit on the sofa, and enjoy a cup (or three) of tea. That will be challenging if the entrance is blocked by five beat-up sofas and, say, a washing machine. It will also be challenging if you've left last night's pizza cartons on the coffee table.”

Read the rest of her excellent post here:


From an interview with novelist Jessica Anya Blau:

"I do like scaring myself when I write—writing about something that I might not want to say aloud. And often that’s the best writing."


"My writing time is very limited, no time to dilly-dally, so when I sit down I just push ahead no matter how pathetic the writing is."

Read more here:

Two fully-funded fellowship opportunities at VCCA.  But hurry, the deadline is MAY 15:

The Goldfarb Family Fellowship
Established 2000
2-week residency
Accepting Applications Through May 15

Provided through the generosity of writer, literary agent and former board member Ronald Goldfarb, The Robert and Aida Goldfarb Art Law Literary Fund sponsors a fully funded two-week fellowship and is given annually to the top creative non-fiction applicant.

On your application, please note that you are applying for a Goldfarb Fellowship.

2001-2010 Recipients: Douglas Crandell, Xujon Eberlein, Sue Eisenfeld, Jean Harper, E. J. Levy, Richard McCann, David Morse Storrs, Maureen Stanton, Cheryl Stayed, Tiffany Trent

Komaki Fellowship
Established 2010
2-week residency
Accepting Applications Through May 15

This fellowship funds a two-week residency during the fall scheduling period (October through January) for a nonfiction writer whose work celebrates the behind-the-scenes story of an activist striving to make his or her vision of a more perfect world a reality. It should capture the powerful and positive changes effected by inspiring social activists such as Martin Luther King, or engage a social issue in an uplifting way as Randy Shilts did with Harvey Milk.

On your application, please note that you are applying for a Komaki Fellowship.

For more details and to apply: