Monday, May 23, 2016

Spark Will Inspire You!

Thanks to writer Cheryl Somers Aubin for telling me about this fun program for creative spirits:

Get Ready to Get Sparked!

Imagine being able to work with an artist or musician who will give you a piece of work as inspiration for your own writing.  Now imagine that same artist or musician using your work as inspiration to create a piece of art or music.

This is what Spark is all about.  Founded by Amy Souza, Spark has been taking place four times a year since 2008.   Participants have ten days to create their own work from the inspiration pieces they are given.

No worries that these are first drafts, the fun and important part is to let inspiration take you wherever it will!   If you write nonfiction, you may come up with a poem.  Likewise, poets may write a piece of fiction.

Both writers and artists/musicians are needed.  The next round of Spark takes place May 25th – June 3rd

Visit this website to see some of the amazing work that has been done in past Sparks: 

Check out the Spark Experience page to read about others' experiences during Spark:
 Then go here to register: (NOTE: official registration has closed, but you can jump in with an email to Amy Souza, which is explained at this site.)

A donation of $10 is requested but not required to participate.


Cheryl Somers Aubin has been writing and publishing for over twenty years, and her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Foundation Magazine, and other newspapers, magazines, and online journals.  She has a Master of Arts degree in Writing from Johns Hopkins University.  Cheryl teaches memoir writing and creative writing that incorporates artwork.  She has been an instructor at Johns Hopkins University and a featured speaker at personal history writing symposia, writing conferences, and workshops. More of Cheryl’s work can be found on her website