Monday, May 13, 2024

TBR: Rebel Falls by Tim Wendel

TBR [to be read], a semi-regular, invitation-only interview series with authors of newly released/forthcoming, interesting books. 



Give us your elevator pitch: what’s your book about in 2-3 sentences?

 In 1864, during the last months of the Civil War, a troubled, young woman is sent to the border with Canada. Rory Chase’s assignment? To stop Confederate spies from seizing the lone Union warship left on the Great Lakes. (Much of this novel is based upon true events.)


Which character did you most enjoy creating? Why? And which character gave you the most trouble, and why?


Rory Chase enthralled and confounded me. Early on, she disguised herself and tried to join a Yankee infantry regiment. After her identity was discovered, Rory became a Union spy. By late 1864, Confederate spies had targeted the U.S.S. Michigan and planned to bombard Cleveland, Buffalo and other cities on the eve of the presidential election. To stop them, Rory must find the courage to not only follow orders but know when to break the rule, too.


Also, I enjoyed writing about the rebel spies – John Yates Beall and Bennet Burley They are based on real-life people. Beall crossed paths with John Wilkes Booth, while Burley was a soldier of fortune from Scotland. When the war ended, he got away and became a foreign correspondent for The Daily Telegraph in London.


To stop the rebels, Rory needs the help of the wait staff at the Cataract House hotel, once a key stop on the Underground Railroad. That this sinister plot takes place in the shadow of Niagara Falls, one of the most captivating places in the world, was good fun to write.



Tell us a bit about the highs and lows of your book’s road to publication.


On the road to publication, the novel was “orphaned” twice, meaning that my editors left for positions at other publishing houses. In the end, though, it worked out. Each of the three editors – Dean Smith, Michael McGandy and Mahinder Kingra  – brought distinctive reactions and insightful comments. It was up to me to incorporate their suggestions into the novel.



What’s your favorite piece of writing advice?


Remember that rejection and failure are not the same. To me, rejection is a temporary setback. It may really, really sting, but how you react to it is up to you. In comparison, failure means that you’ve moved on. Turned the page. And that may be what’s needed at the time. Still, the final choice is yours, and there’s something empowering about that. At least to me.


My first novel, CASTRO’S CURVEBALL, was rejected 33 times before it found a home with the Ballantine imprint at Random House. During that process, time and again, I saw ways to improve the story. Even when editors or agents ultimately turned it down, I believed I was making progress and was game to try again.


My favorite writing advice is “write until something surprises you.” What surprised you in the writing of this book?


 By ingratiating herself to the rebel spies, trying to win them over, Rory risked losing her purpose, even herself as well. In the end, Rory was faced with a difficult decision – Join ‘Em, Leave ‘Em, or Take ‘Em Down. I didn’t start with that template, but eventually I realized that some of my favorite stories follow a similar organization, including THE GREAT GATSBY, THE HANDMAID’S TALE and THE OUTSIDERS.



How did you find the title of your book?


Gregg Wilhelm, a longtime friend, and director of the George Mason writing program, suggested it. A play off Niagara Falls. Then I took it a step further. Late in the novel, Beall and Burley, the rebel spies, discuss how the world will be different if they capture the Union warship. How the Confederacy could become a separate nation, with statues to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson throughout the land, even perhaps erected in the shadow of Niagara Falls.


I wrote much of this book after moving to Charlottesville, Virginia, where era statues and views of our nation’s past can be contentious issues. Walking through town, you’re reminded of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy and how it still casts a long shadow.



Inquiring foodies and hungry book clubs want to know: Any food/s associated with your book?


 The Cataract House hotel was known for its fine food. Served family style in an expansive dining room with crystal chandeliers, the fare included roast beef, baked white fish, salad, roasted potatoes, succotash, along with a dessert trolly wheeled to your table. A new restaurant recently opened on the American side of the Falls based on an 1859 menu from the Cataract House.


Also, the Bourbon Old Fashioned was all the rage during the 1860s. That allowed me to have Rory Chase partake of the cocktail during a pivotal scene.


Bourbon Old Fashioned (Several of my characters love the cocktail. I do, too.)

From (

1 teaspoon sugar

3 dashes Angostura bitters

1 teaspoon water

2 ounces bourbon

Add the sugar and bitters into a mixing glass, then add the water, and stir until the sugar is nearly dissolved. Fill the mixing glass with ice, add the bourbon, and stir until well-chilled. Strain into a rocks glass over one large ice cube.













DC-area author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary.